
Pharmacy Services

  1. Investigational Product (IP) Management

1.1 Inventory and  Accountability

1.2 IWRS / Dispensing  / return used IP and report

1.3 Destruction used IP  (as per protocol )

1.4 standard procedure with ICH GCP

1.5 Temperature Report for IP storage (15-25๐C, 2-8๐C, -20๐C)

  1. Preparation

2.1 Chemo therapy

2.2 Vaccine

2.3 Aseptic preparation

  1. Procurement related drug and equipment

3.1 Standard drug

3.2 Pre-medication

3.3 Rescue medicine

3.4 Diluent

3.5 Set and equipment

  1. Import IP / medical devices for clinical study trial(KKU)
  2. Training Clinical pharmacist